When you plug the HDMI of Banana Pi running Bananian to low resolution TV or Monitor, you won't get proper display. To correct this use the frame buffer setting,
sudo apt-get install fbset
Replace the /etc/fb.modes, fill it with these lines:
mode "640x480-60"
# D: 25.200 MHz, H: 31.500 kHz, V: 60.001 Hz
geometry 640 480 640 960 32
timings 39682 48 16 33 10 96 2
rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24
mode "768x576-75"
# D: 49.188 MHz, H: 46.580 kHz, V: 75.008 Hz
geometry 768 576 768 1152 32
timings 20330 128 32 32 8 128 5
accel true
rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24
mode "800x600-60"
# D: 40.000 MHz, H: 37.879 kHz, V: 60.317 Hz
geometry 800 600 800 1200 32
timings 25000 88 40 23 1 128 4
hsync high
vsync high
accel true
rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24
mode "1024x768-60"
# D: 65.00 MHz, H: 48.363 kHz, V: 60.00 Hz
geometry 1024 768 1024 768 32
timings 15385 160 24 29 3 136 6
mode "1152x864-60"
# D: 80.0 MHz, H: 54.945 kHz, V: 59.98 Hz
geometry 1152 864 1152 864 32
timings 12500 128 64 41 6 112 5
hsync high
vsync high
mode "1280x1024-60"
# D: 108.00 MHz, H: 63.981 kHz, V: 60.02 Hz
geometry 1280 1024 1280 1024 32
timings 9260 248 48 38 1 112 3
hsync high
vsync high
mode "1600x1200-60"
# D: 156.00 MHz, H: 76.200 kHz, V: 60.00 Hz
geometry 1600 1200 1600 1200 32
timings 6411 256 32 52 10 160 8
mode "1920x1080-60"
# D: 148.500 MHz, H: 67.500 kHz, V: 60.000 Hz
geometry 1920 1080 1920 2160 32
timings 6734 148 88 36 4 44 5
hsync high
vsync high
rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24
Execute the fbset with one of those setting, as example, i'm using old 1024x768 monitor with HDMI to VGA converter
fbset 1024x768-50
That's all
Reff: http://www.cubieforums.com/index.php/topic,50.0.html
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