Monday, September 29, 2014

Clap On Sensor

This is a simple circuit that I use to replace my mom bird toys which broken by water during the rain.
It work on clapping detection and then the bird singing and moving on a period of time. The bird sound circuit replaced by other singing circuit that I took from unused bubble machine toy.
Here's the schematics:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Build Raspibian Linux

I'm gonna share how to create debian system on Raspberry PI rev B.
My computer is running debian 7 (wheezy), so this tutor will only work with the same type of linux system. Note that Raspberry Pi had arm v6 processor, the debian armhf itself was build for arm v7, so the armhf distribution of debian will not work on Raspberry Pi, you may use armel instead, regardless performance since soft floating point is used. At last the Raspibian were debian armhf build for arm v6 specially for Raspberry Pi.

1. Cross-toolchains

Download the toolchains from
extract somewhere in your home directory, mostly people put the toolchains on /opt directory.
Export the toolchains path to your working environment like this:
export PATH:$PATH:/arm-bcm2708 /gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian / bin

test your toolchains by typing: 
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --version